365 Project: January's Calendar

january photo calendar

I've been having so much fun with the 365 Project. Every couple of days I go back to my phone and camera and choose a photo to represent each day (because let's be honest, I'm not organized enough to do this every day like you're supposed to).

Some days I can't choose just one, so I whip up a collage to showcase a few. Some days I don't take even one photo so I cheat a little, and choose one from another recent day. The rules are flexible.

All I know is that come December 31, 2010, I'm going to have an awesome photographic diary of our year.

A few family members and friends are playing along too and I love following the photographs of their days, too.

Click the photo above to see my January calendar and all my photos, or you can visit my profile to see my most recent snapshots. You can join in any time, your 365 days don't have to start on January 1st.

Such a fun and simple way to capture the memories of every day.

Because sometimes I wonder if I am ever going to get back to scrapbooking (and staying up-to-date) like I used to.

How do you keep track of your memories?

This post was written in under 30 minutes for Steady Mom's 30-Minute Blog Challenge!

Introducing Simple Organic

His Word in My Heart: February 2010