{daybook: 12.14.10}

I found this by way of my friend Kara {editor of Simple Kids}, and I thought it would be a fun way to journal a day.

Outside my window...  Lots of fog today in our beach town, but it was still in the 60s today, so I can't complain!

I am thinking... about how to be the best parent I can to my particular little ones and how I can be instilling in them a love for the Lord-- this has been on my heart a lot lately.

I am thankful for...  There are so many little and big things to be thankful for... like Gigi finally giving in and taking a nap and my landlord just calling to give us a $50-Merry-Christmas discount on our rent this month. I'm also thankful for tomorrow, the day we finalize Brody's adoption.

From the learning rooms...  I'm not a homeschooling mom (yet?) but I figure there's still lots of learning going on around here (hopefully!). Right now we're talking a lot about Jesus' birth and a bit about the real person of St. Nicholas. We don't do Santa on Christmas morning but we've been talking about his character and how he started as a real person that people turned into the modern-day Santa character (we treat Santa like Mickey or Elmo or any other character).

From the kitchen... Today I "cooked" some crayons! I actually melted them into a heart-shaped mold for Gigi's stocking (idea taken from Ginny of Small Things). I'm also munching on these tasty treats from my freezer now and then. For dinner it's chicken and a beet salad-- I know I'm in the minority, but I really love beets!

I am wearing... Old Navy jeans, a pink surfy tee, and my blue courderoy TOMS when I go out (barefoot in the house, although it might be time for socks!).

I am creating... Crayons (see above), and I have many things on my to-do list for homemade gifts. The other day I made a few yo-yo accessories for Gigi and my niece. I'm also making the two of them a Memory game with family photos as the cards.

I am going... Tonight we are headed out to a "famous" neighborhood to look at Christmas lights (Christmas Card Lane for the SD locals) and maybe drink some hot cocoa with friends from our Community Group.

I am reading... I'm always reading lots of books, but I'm close to finishing a wonderful book called Spiritual Parenting by Michelle Anthony. It's been enlightening on the philosophical side of parenting (not so much on the practical side but that's okay). Thanks to my sis-in-law for the recommendation.

I am hoping... I can get motivated enough to make some homemade Christmas gifts in my "spare time."

I am hearing... Peace and quiet. Both kids are asleep now (a Christmas miracle!) and I'm enjoying the sounds of a new Christmas CD that my church put together.

Around the house... Toys, clean laundry that needs to be put away, and Christmas cards that need to be addressed and mailed.

One of my favorite things... clementine oranges. We eat at least one or two a day around here this time of year.

A few plans for the rest of the week... spending a little time with some dear college friends who will be in town this weekend, and the boat parade on the San Diego harbor on Sunday night.

Photo for thought... DSC_0039

Find more daybook entries at the Simple Woman's Daybook.

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