My new homeschool planner and some printables for you

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I will love summer best until my dying day, I'm sure. Lots of my friends feel romantic about cozy fall sweaters and cooler weather, and while I do enjoy the fall colors, I'm not a sweater-wearer and I'd prefer it to be warm all year. But every year the thought of bouquets of freshly sharpened pencils and all that comes along with back-to-school gets me excited for fall.

Last year I was all about survival, and while this year may end up like that too (and that's fine by me), I'm starting out with high hopes for a school schedule that's a bit more organized. I'm currently reading a book that I think will help me out even more (and I'll be sharing it with you shortly).

I did a lot of googling and Pinterest-searching and realized that since we are on a unique schedule and only homeschool MWF that I would need to create my own weekly schedule. Because I am geeky, I thoroughly enjoyed that, and also created a blank one for any of you that might use a three-day homeschool routine.

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Download my version of the MWF weekly planner.

Download the blank 3-day weekly planner.

If you are looking for more homeschool printables including a variety of weekly schedule options (for a regular week), my friend Tsh has created a really cool set that only costs $4 (and if you just need the updated calendars, that just costs $1).

I was planning to print out my schedule pages and have them bound in a spiral notebook at a copy store because I so prefer a notebook I can flip around over a binder, but then my friend Katie told me about the Martha Stewart Discbound line from Staples. It's pretty much EXACTLY what I was looking for! And bonus for being my favorite color.

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So here's a little look at my planning notebook.

The printables I used are:

  • School calendar from Five J's

  • A customizable "school event calendar" that I edited in Excel to use as a year-at-a-glance calendar for a couple subjects that I wanted to plan out for the year

  • Tsh's Curriculum List page to keep a handy list of the stuff we're using

  • Tsh's Student Goals page to get intentional

  • Tsh's Weekly Routine page to sketch out what my days will look like on a general basis

  • And lots of copies of my own weekly schedule (I printed them singles sided so I have more room for notes on the back of each one)

(I also printed out a couple of Tsh's extra pages for Gigi's binders (which I can share about later along with my curriculum if you're curious.)

Eventually I will probably buy a punch for the Discbound (either one by Levenger or the from the Arc line at Staples) but since that's not in the budget right now I just pulled the lined pages out of my notebook and printed right onto them, and I actually love how that turned out. My one piece of advice for this is to print them one at a time since the edges are punched and they can get caught on each other if you put several pieces of paper in your printer at once.

A Simple Homeschool Planner

Don't forget to check out Tsh's planner!

I also have a Learning board on Pinterest where I'm collecting all the homeschool resources and ideas I find.

If you homeschool or after-school, how do you organize your planning and school work? I'm always looking for more good ideas. :)


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Around town in the blogosphere

10 on 10 August 2013