My New To-Do

I'm a big list maker.  The very mention of lists makes Moondoggie recite something about "lists of lists"- somewhere on youtube there is a funny video about that but I can't find it right now. But I digress. I'm a big fan of a couple of bloggers' to-do lists, but finally decided to combine my 2 favorites (from Simple Mom and Flipflops and Applesauce) into what works best for me.

I like my new one because it's weekly, and I don't always like to have a separate sheet for each day, because a lot of information just gets transferred from one day's list to the next (hmm... this may be due to my lack of productivity). I also like to distinguish between stuff that needs to get done sooner and stuff that comes to mind but can wait.

Click to download: Gidget's Weekly To-Do List

weekly to-do list preview

Keep in mind that the MITs are meant to be the "most important things" that are your priorities for the day. I sort of use the right side as a dumping ground to empty my brain, and the I use the left side to organize my days and week.

I'd love to hear feedback if you try my list out!

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