Blueberry Honey Ice Cream? Not Quite Yet.

local berries and honey

Facebook friends will know that I was hoping to have a recipe for you yesterday. I tried. I think the truth is, I'm not quite up to creating my own recipe yet. At least not on the first try. It started out fab...

processing blueberries

but turned out a little... icy... flaky almost. The batter never quite froze either. I may have not cooled it enough, or maybe I overmixed if that's possible.

blueberry honey ice cream, take 1

It tastes creamy and delicious, but isn't quite the right texture.

It'll make a great addition to smoothies though!

So, I bought a big box of blueberries at Costco and will give it another go later this week. Keep on standin' by for that recipe, and in the meantime, go ahead and try Joy's Cookie No-Dough Ice Cream. Made that last night. Amazing.

Quintessential Summer Day

His Word in My Heart: June 2010