On Not Meeting Needs...

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It feels good to do a little writing... even if it's not really here on this blog. This past weekend we went camping up in the local mountains and I left my laptop at home (gasp!) and broke out the journal and pen to write a blog post for my new bloggy friend Beth at Red and Honey, and her series called 31 Days of Real Housewife Confessions.

Even just writing this out was an encouragement to me in my own mothering journey and I hope it encourages you where you are too.


"It's almost like... anything worth doing in this life is almost impossible to do." ~Jon Foreman, of Switchfood

I've been a wife for eight and a half years now, and mom for four. And yet, just only recently, after becoming a mom of three just over four months ago, did I come to this revelatory conclusion:

As much as I would like to, I can't meet all the needs of everyone in my family.

Meet me over at Red and Honey to read the rest and leave a comment...


{this moment}

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