
My great Genesis study at CBS is teaching me much more than I expected. Last week we studied chapters 12 and 13 and our lecture was about the rough roads we sometimes travel on. Sometimes they are unexpected detours, but sometimes God ordains a rough road for us. I loved what our teaching director said,

Sometimes the rough road is the only way to get to our destination. When we get there we will "forget" the roughness of the road and praise God for the amazing destination we arrived at.

Despite our seemingly long and rocky road to adoption, God knew all along that we would arrive here in His timing.  We're not even at our final destination (i.e. BABY!)  yet, but I'm already praising God. I wanted to update you all that we have officially finished our "first trimester" of the paper pregnancy! That's right, we finally made it through the stack of paperwork that was so intimidating. We should be hearing from our social worker soon to start our home study. !!!

In other Gidget news, I've got a couple of big things on the horizon {prayers welcomed!}. For one, I'm going to be speaking at my dear friend's MOMS group up in Long Beach on Thursday about Raising Green Kids. I'm super excited about what I'm going to speak about but I'm a little nervous. In addition, I'm going to be starting to lead worship for the women at my CBS group as well. I love leading worship for women, but this will be the biggest group I've ever played for {again with the nerves}. I'm confident in the Lord's strength in my weakness though and excited to see Him work through both of these opportunities.

As always, thanks for reading! Love, Nicole/Gidget

Click for more information on our adoption journey.

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