DSC_0083 Thanks for playing along with my giveaways! I had one more in mind to do but the details didn't get worked out in time so I'll save that one for another day. Congratulations to my two winners, Stephanie {coconut oil & deodorant} and Krissa {Bralynn March hair bow}!

If you loved those flower hair clips as much as I did, be sure to head over to the Bralynn March shop and take advantage of 10% off through the end of February, just for being a reader here. Use coupon code GidgetsPals. Thanks, Mandy!


I also wanted to share a few snapshots from my fun weekend of celebrating {mostly from our trip to Coronado}. My actual birthday was pretty mellow after all the excitement of an overnight getaway and a little surprise party {see photos above}, but I thoroughly enjoyed a yummy dinner at The Counter with the fam and a stroll through Anthropologie with my mom {ice cream for dessert of course!}.

Yummy start to my birthday getaway. Bridge to beautiful Coronado Island.

Our lovely 100-year old hotel. Lunch (and a cute old couple in the photo, too)

Mi Amor by the San Diego bay. YUM.

Love. Sunset by the Del.

Love my @allorahandmade earrings and my Emily Sparks hair clip! Perfect birthday getaway!!

Me and my girl in the front yard. TOMS wedges-- Gift from my parents!!

The above photos were all "edited" using the Instagram iPhone app. If you use it, let's be friends-- I'm @nicoleakagidget. :)

As I start a new decade, all I can say is that I'm super BLESSED!! Might as well count a few blessings, huh?

#43:: a night away with my hubby

#44:: beautiful, summery weather on said getaway

#45:: amazing babysitting parents

#46:: being surprised by my hubby, family and friends with a lovely time of yummy food, fellowship and sweet gifts

#47:: a Sunday at home, decluttering

#48:: celebrating Valentine's Day with sweet friends

#49:: a gift card for a prenatal massage (!!)

#50:: more yummy food and being inspired by pretty things

#51:: beginning a new study of God's Word {1 & 2 Peter in my CBS class}

#52:: God's provision in my life across the board

#53:: the Adoption Tax Credit {never been so excited to do our taxes}

#54:: sweet baby movements in my belly

Sure, it's not all puffy hearts and {double} rainbows, but man, I love my life!!

{this moment}

{Birthday Giveaway}: Tropical Traditions and Naturally Fresh