{Birthday Giveaway}: Tropical Traditions and Naturally Fresh

This giveaway is for a jar of delicious coconut oil and some lovely deodorant products! DSC_0043

Tropical Traditions is the premier place to get great quality coconut oil. I've been using this oil for a while now (ever since I went back to cooking after my 1st-trimester hiatus) and have loved it. I've used it in pancakes (and to grease the pan), baking recipes, frying coconut shrimp and more. I used to give it to my daughter by the spoonful for constipation and when she sees it out on the counter and open she'll usually request a bite. :)

You can read all about the Tropical Traditions Gold Label Virgin Coconut Oil here, but let me just tell you that coconut oil is a wonderful, healthy addition for the kitchen. Tropical Traditions is a family-owned business using time-honored traditional methods of making their coconut oil. You can find a lot more great info about their coconut oil on the FAQs page.


I first mentioned Naturally Fresh in my green beauty routine, and was then contacted by them through Twitter to receive and review a few more of their products which I was happy to do! I know the Skin Deep database isn't the end-all for choosing products, but it is my most commonly used tool when I start looking at brands and products. The amazing thing about Naturally Fresh is that all their products listed on the database are rated as zeros!

I think their deodorant works great, smells nice and is non-toxic. Until I feel so motivated as to make my own, which I'd like to try someday, I'll stick with Naturally Fresh. :)



One lucky reader will win a 32-oz.-jar of Gold Label Virgin Coconut Oil, along with a Naturally Fresh Deod0rant Crystal and body deodorant spray.

  • Just leave a comment here telling me what you'd like to use the coconut oil for in your kitchen!
  • Get a bonus entry by following me on TwitterFacebook or Tumblr and leaving a comment telling me you follow. :)

Giveaway ends Wednesday, February 16th, at midnight PST. Good luck!

Birthday Recap

Happy Birthday to ME!!