Blissful Friends

I had a fabulous time at Blissdom last weekend. It was a relaxing, fun trip away, and I was stoked that Chiquita got to spend some quality time with her daddy and grandparents while I was gone. Later on, I'd like to post some of the new things I learned related to blogging, but I think what I most took away from the weekend was the confirmation of the amazing community that exists in the blogosphere. Getting to put real faces with those little avatars, like I mentioned when I was interviewed on The Classy Closet on BlogTalkRadio, was truly the best part.

I got to meet and chat with some of my favorite bloggy role models like Tsh from Simple Mom, Alli from Mrs. Fussypants, and Melissa from The Inspired Room.

Tsh and me

I had an awesome time with my supercool roommates Katie from Moms in the Right and Marie from Make and Takes. Marie and I were asked several times if we were sisters and we stuck together a lot throughout the weekend.

Me, Marie & Katie

But I definitely felt like it was a divine appointment for me to meet and get to know Lisa Leonard and Chrissie Rouse, the amazing twin sisters I met at LAX and was coincidentally seated next to on the long flight to Nashville. I clicked with Chrissie and Lisa instantly and they made me feel like an honorary sister as we hung out. Thankfully they are both California girls and I can't wait to see them more now that we are "real life" friends.


With my twin friends I got to see a little bit of downtown Nashville one night and then we had a fun relaxing evening complete with pizza, milk & cookies, a chick flic, and the three of us all working on our laptops at the same time. These girls are beautiful inside and out, generous and sweet and I'm so thankful for the chance to get to know them, and experience a little bit of the bloggy BFF-ness that I've heard others talk aobut.

He Heals the Brokenhearted and Binds Up Their Wounds

It's the Absolute Ultimate!! ~#18 Preserving Memories, Part 6